The develop mentally, physically and emotionally, all children should be exposed to a wide range of experiences at an early age. Sensory activities play a major role in the early hours and minutes of a child’s life. Sensory information and their environment will be important in the early months and years of a child’s life.
We are all aware that genetics plays a major role in how we develop as individuals. However, at Bangkok’s leading international Kindergarten we also believe that experiences play a significant role. This article will discuss how exposure to a wide range of experiences can affect a child’s personality and behavior. The wiring of the brain may be genetic, but how it develops is a result of experience and learning.
What psychologists think
Psychology Theories can be extremely useful in understanding how different experiences affect our lives. They can help us understand how experiences shape us as adults and children. As humans, there is an agreement that we learn in three different ways. These are described below.
- Classic Conditioning : The classic conditioning method is the way we learn to react to a stimulus. Pavlov’s dog is often used as an example. Children are able to quickly and often through repetition associate a particular action with a reaction. As Pavlov’s dog associates a bell to food, so a baby knows that they will be fed when they see the bottle. This is a form of learning through experience, which is crucial for their mental development.
- Operant Conditioning : Operant Conditioning is rewarding good behavior and punishing bad. This is sometimes referred to as reinforcement learning, and could include taking a child to his favorite restaurant in exchange for doing household chores. It’s about encouraging positive behaviors and avoiding bad ones.
- The Observational Learning : Children learn by watching their parents’ actions and then copying them. Modern children are learning from video games, the internet and other sources. This is why parents must be more vigilant. Parents should encourage their children to model positive and good behaviour.
The importance and value of positive and negative experiences
We want to protect our children from negative experiences. But in reality, it’s not possible. If they want to be well-balanced, it is important that they learn how to deal with negative experiences. Overprotective parents may have detrimental effects on their children in the future, as they might lack essential life skills. This is a perfect example of why it’s important to expose children to a wide range of experiences, adventures and ordeals.
Where can children get this wide range of experiences?
Children will learn from their family, teachers and peers. The children will learn from their family, their teachers and peers. Many of these skills and practices are required when they grow up. Parents and teachers should make an effort to expose their children to new things.
The environment in which a child is raised will have a profound impact on their personality. The country, the eastern and western culture as well as personal beliefs and religion can all influence a child’s personality. It is also important to note that the interaction between these influences will determine how our children grow. Many times, events combine in a unique way for each individual and will influence the person that they become.
Tips to broaden your experience
1. Continued education
Education is a vast topic that goes far beyond the classroom. You could, for example, teach your child to do something that interests you like your hobbies. You can show your child what you like to do, whether it’s cooking, yoga, or DIY. The level of detail and the age-appropriate skill you teach them will depend on both.
2. Cultural events and activities
The topic of culture is also very broad, but it can include modern culture like music and dance as well as something more historic. They will learn new things by visiting museums, theatres or other sites of interest. This will broaden their interests and horizons, and also have a positive impact on their personalities.
3. Activities
Another great way to introduce children to new things is to participate in an activity. You could join a group or play a sport, or visit a zoo. You are only limited by your imagination when it comes to choosing activities. You should find an activity that both of you enjoy, as this will strengthen the bond between you and your child.
The impact of parents and caregivers
Parents and caregivers have a huge impact on the early years of a child. Some children receive a lot of love, care and attention. Some parents are unable to spend the time they would like with their children. They may be worried about work, or other matters that a child should not be exposed to. It’s not the parents’ fault. However, they can find ways to enrich the lives of their children. Others may help them achieve some of the above ideas.