Humans have utilized technology since the beginning of time. Technology is a major contributor to the advancement of the modern age. Nations or societies that are technologically proficient are also strategically minded and develop financial competence. Alongside the industrial revolution came the development of mechanical technology.
It was followed by the development of electrical engineering, chemical technology and other technological advances. Our current time is one of information and computer technology. Therefore, we are going to talk about some of these technological breakthroughs that could completely alter our lives in the near future:
Quantum Computers
Modern computers are locked due to Moore’s Law and will eventually be replaced with a new kind of computing technology. Quantum computers make use of quantum bits, also known as qubits. Qubits behave in a quantum manner and are able to operate on one and zero simultaneously, allowing for exponentially more efficient computations.
But quantum computing is at its beginnings, as qubits can be a challenge to control and maintain. Therefore, they’re not yet able to play Crisis or even have the capability to play Windows for the issue. It will be interesting to see whether quantum computers are now an integral part of our lives.
We’ve used the basic types of nanotechnology using self-cleaning materials and sunblock’s that reflect ultraviolet light; however, this technology is just beginning to develop, and we’ve only begun to understand its potential. Imagine a group of nanomachines that could eliminate cancerous cells, or transform a vehicle into the form of a sports car. There’s no limit to what nanotechnology has the potential to accomplish. The main issue with nanomachine technology is that it opens up new areas of energy-related issues as well as production.
It is also important to remember that nanomachines could be the most effective weapons that have ever been invented and could turn out to be among the most innovative and deadly technologies at the same time. However, the ability to engineer things at the present scale may result in new discoveries in metamaterials.
They’re not machines, but they are more material that doesn’t appear naturally. One example is the cloaking device, or a super lens, which can solve the difficulties that arise from wave decay. Metamaterials’ applications are virtually limitless. If we can discover ways to create and mass-produce products scale them today, it could completely alter the world.
Every year we hear about the latest battery technology, and it’s absurd at this point, however, the inventors have created something that is superior to the existing battery technology, and is actually making it feasible.
Also, we must be aware that batteries are limited in their lifespan and charging time. Ultracapacitors are able to surpass this kind of technology as they can be charged in a matter of minutes, toes, or Germier cycles, and can even experience more temperature fluctuations. The only issue is that ultracapacitors can’t have the same energy capacity as batteries.
Thus, a car operating with the same amount of capacitors might not achieve the same mileage as it would with batteries. However, this is rapidly changing,, and there is research being conducted with graphene, as well as metal carbides, in order to create an ultracapacitor with greater energy density. In conjunction with bringing the price of capacitors lower, we may eventually have the ultracapacitor replace the battery.
Artificial Intelligence
Different types of AI systems are in place and they are rapidly changing. From driving cars to conducting surveillance, it’s without doubt proven that it outperforms humans in certain tasks and it is a plethora of possibilities. What about an AI that is fully conscious? The biggest challenge to consciousness is trying to figure out how it functions? Is it based on survival or is it something more than that, such as the soul?
There isn’t any universal consensus about what life is. Therefore, humanity could progress for another hundred, perhaps thousands of years in the future, and there may never be the solution to this dilemma. However, in the future it may not be yet in our lives however, in the near future it will be difficult to distinguish between a person and laborer today, based on our way of portraying human beings.
VR Immersion
It’s not too difficult to imagine that we could end up living in a dream world, if we don’t already. VR Immersion VR Immersion is likely to be capable of stimulating the five senses, and consequently, we won’t be able to distinguish between the real and VR ( Virtual Reality) worlds. With almost half the world’s people living in living in poverty, this could provide a powerful incentive to travel to VR. However, this is only if VR technology is affordable to everyone.
Let’s hope that we do not end up being jacked into an unidirectional system. If we go one step further, augmented reality that overlays images and other information onto the real world, could be the key to power, could provide one individual with an information advantage over everyone else.
Room-temperature Superconductors
Superconductors were discovered more than 100 years ago,, and they possess the property of having zero electrical resistance. If anyone can figure out how to create a superconductor that is room temperature, this is one of the key aspects of technological advancement. From hybrid trains to super-efficient motors, to power lines that have no loss of energy, there will be a total revolution.
We’ve been experimenting with several things, but it’s not clear at this point. One of these is metallic hydrogen; however, it’s also highly unlikely to be metastable. Instead, it could just be superconductive when it is under pressure that is extremely high. Graphene also has the possibility of being superconductive; however, it is an in-between layer, and requires cooling down. However, there have been improvements in the design and manufacturing of graphene. It may be the solution to this issue. We’ll have to wait and look around.
Fusion Power
It is common knowledge that the fusion power is right close to becoming a reality, but this time there are real breakthroughs. From MIT to ITER as well as the Tokamak-powered reactor, there are numerous projects across the globe that are employing different strategies to ensure a steady reaction. It’s not even one called the Lockheed Martin Compact Fusion Reactor project that is designed to be a portable 100 megawatt unit. The details haven’t been released in recent times.
MIT has also stated that they can create stable fusion power in 2025. However, if fusion power isn’t the solution to our energy requirements, it could come from an outsider that is mostly overlooked by the majority of scientists. One such example can be found in the brilliantly light-powered Sun Cell reactor. It’s fundamentally a reaction that requires hydrogen atoms to reach lower temperatures than their ground state and release huge quantities of energy.
Yes, it’s technically impossible, but it’s also a matter of needing to see prototypes actually create reactions. In the end, whether it’s from Fusion or from another source, it’s a must and can help us advance our civilization to the next level.